Training Course: Multiple Sequence Alignment and Analysis: investigating structure and function of protein, RNA and DNA - Lille France
Length: 1 day
Location: Université de Lille, France
Date: 28th May, 2018 (from 9:30 to 16:00)
Place: Cité Scientifique, Villeneuve d’Ascq
BILILLE - Service en bio-informatique de Lille
Instructor: James Procter (Jalview Coordinator, Division of Computational Biology, School of Life Sciences University of Dundee, UK)
This hands-on workshop is for students and researchers working with Protein, RNA and DNA sequence data. Participants will learn how to create, analyse and visualise multiple alignments with the Jalview Desktop (, and explore its capabilities for working with 3D structure, phylogenetic trees and annotation from public databases.
Participants should bring their own laptop.
9.30am - Introduction to the Jalview Workshop
9.45am - Launching Jalview, importing, exporting and navigating alignments.
10.30am - Coffee break
11am - Creating multiple alignments
12.30pm - Lunch
1.30pm - Alignment analysis: Shading, Trees and Principal Component Analysis
2.30pm - Loading and Viewing 3D Structures
3pm - Working with Features and annotation tracks
3.30pm - Secondary structure and disorder prediction
3.55pm - Wrapup
Registration is free, but mandatory:
The deadline is May 20th, 2018, and the number of participants is limited to 25.
Eva-Maria Krammer, Marc Lensink, Hélène Touzet
Date: 28-05-2018
Course: Jalview Workshop
Location Université de Lille, France
Duration: 1 day
Posted date: 2018-05-31