Jalview's Schools Resources and Public Engagement
Jalview’s ease of use makes it a great vehicle for public outreach as well as for teaching basic biological concepts in schools. Videos, workbooks and interactive exercises have been developed that allow learners to use Jalview to explore concepts covered in the Scottish and UK national curricula, and topical themes of interest to the public. Dr Suzanne Duce has pioneered Jalview’s Schools and Outreach activities and the Jalview team won the University of Dundee School of Life Sciences ‘Brian Cox Public Engagement Project of the Year award in 2019. You can read about how the Jalview School Workbook was developed with the help of University of Dundee Master’s students in her Summer 2020 RCSB PDB Newsletter article below and watch Jalview’s schools videos.

Why we need bioinformatics software such as Jalview?