Archived Jalview News Items (2011-2021)
Jalview and Dundee Resource services are back !
in general newsOur analysis services are now working normally. As usual, please do get in contact if you experience any problems!
Jalview Services unavailable 26-27th Nov
in general newsJalview’s web services will be unavailable from 17:00 GMT on Monday 26th until 14:00 GMT on Tuesday 27th November.
If you need to perform multiple sequence alignments, conservation analysis, RNA secondary structure or protein disorder predictions during this period please download the JABAWS 2.2 server and add your local JABAWS server URL to your Web Services preferences.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Technical fault fixed
in general newsThe University of Dundee’s IT team have fixed the problem and Jalview is fully operational again. Apologies for any inconvenience.
(Friday 26th October 16.50)
Technical fault affects Jalview
in general newsApologies to Jalview users who may be trying to contact our external-facing services. Since about 22:00 on 25th October, the University of Dundee has had a major network failure. The University’s IT team have identified the core problem but it looks like it will take time to fix.
(Friday 26th October 10.50)
Letters of Support
in general newsOur current core funding for Jalview from the UK BBSRC and Wellcome Trust ends in 2019.If you would like Jalview to continue to be available, then please help us in our applications to renew funding by writing us a letter with your institution’s letterhead, to say how you find Jalview useful.
Please send your letter by 15th October 2018 to as a PDF file.
Thank you for your help!
Jalview PhD Induction Course
in training newsOn Thursday afternoon on the 27th September and Friday morning on the 28th September, Jim Procter, Suzanne Duce and Ben Soares ran a Jalview workshop in the Tower Building IT Suite as part of the PhD Induction for Life Sciences students at the University of Dundee.
Great to see everyone loading, editing and aligning their protein sequences then going on to analyse the alignments, viewing the annotations and features as well as linking this to the 3D structure.
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Jalview YouTube channel passes 50,000 views
in training newsThe Jalview YouTube channel started just over 4 years ago with the aim of helping our users to more easily learn to use Jalview. To date, we have published 36 videos, which are organised into playlists that cover 8 key Jalview themes.
The videos have proved very popular, and we were very proud to see that this week the 50,000 views landmark was reached!
Jalview’s YouTube channel has been watched by people from 146 countries, ranging from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. Importantly, 84 of these countries are listed as Low or Middle Income Countries (LMICs) by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). With several exciting new features currently in development, we will be adding new videos in the coming months, and are looking forward to the next 50k views.
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New minor release: Jalview 2.10.5
in development newsJalview 2.10.5 is a minor release that includes critical patches for users working with Ensembl, RNA secondary structure annotation, and those running Jalview on OSX with Java 10.
- Jalview’s default memory limit increased to 1G. If you have problems starting Jalview 2.10.5 and you have 1G or less physical memory on your machine, you will need to reduce the memory allocated to Jalview.
- EPS, PNG and SVG export now includes hidden sequence markers, and representative sequences are marked in bold.
- Ensembl Client updated for Ensembl Rest API v7.
The latest Ensembl API is not backwards compatible with earlier versions of Jalview, so if you require Ensembl functionality you will need to install this release. - Improved support for VIENNA extended dot-bracket notation for RNA secondary structure
- Positional and selected region highlighting in VARNA ’trimmed sequence’ view now more reliable
- Fix for bug affecting OSX users running Jalview with Java 10 which can prevent files being saved correctly through the ‘Save As’ dialog box.
The majority of bug fixes and improvements in 2.10.5 are due to Jalview users contacting us via the jalview-discuss email list. Thanks to everyone who took the time to help make Jalview better!
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New patch release: Jalview 2.10.4b1
in development newsThe first patch release for Jalview 2.10.4 is now available. It includes the following minor improvments and critical patches:
- HGVS nomenclature used for variant annotation retrieved from Uniprot
- Uniprot import fails for some sequences (Cannot import features with multiple variant elements)
- Clustal files with sequence positions in right-hand column are now parsed correctly
- Wrap view - export to SVG - IDs shown but not alignment area in exported graphic
- F2/Keyboard mode edits work when Overview window has input focus
- Windows specific fixes:
- Annotation panel set too high when annotation added to view
- Updated search paths for Chimera default installation
- Windows File Shortcuts can be dragged onto the Jalview Desktop
- Drag URL from Chrome, Firefox, IE to Jalview desktop on Windows doesn’t open file:
Dragging the currently open URL and links from a page viewed in Firefox or Chrome on Windows is now fully supported.
If you are using Edge, only links in the page can be dragged.
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With Internet Explorer, only the currently open URL in the browser can be dropped onto Jalview. -
Jalview in Liverpool
in training newsJim Procter and Suzanne Duce travelled to Liverpool to run a 2-day multiple sequence alignment, protein structure and function modelling workshop with Dr Dan Rigden. In Day 1, delegates learnt how to load data from public databases such as Uniprot, Ensembl and PDB into Jalview and then run multiple sequence alignment, conservation analysis and secondary structure and disorder prediction. Day 2 focused on protein structure visualisation, structure-based function predictions, homology modelling and ab inito modelling.
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