Initial Setup


Hugo - Minumum version: v0.81.0

This version introduced the ability to add CSS classes to Markdown code blocks, a feature that has been used in the content. e.g.

A paragraph of text.

Node.js and PostCSS

PostCSS and associated plugins are used to process the CSS during Hugo builds. Node.js will need to be installed per your operating system. And PostCSS installed as a global module:

npm install -g postcss-cli

Once the your have the working copy of the site checked out install node modules:

cd themes/jalview
npm install

Running Hugo

Running hugo server will generate the site and set up a local server at http://localhost:1313 but adding some extra command line flags can be helpful:

hugo server --navigateToChanged --gc

--navigateToChanged will causes the browser to display the page being edited. --gc tells Hugo to clean up unused resources.

If you are editing the templates or stylesheets you may also need --disableFastRender to have any changes rendered (this increases build time however):

hugo server --disableFastRender --navigateToChanged --gc