Registration for St Andrews Jalview Workshop on 24th February is open!
The next Jalview training event is a one day course on 24th February, hosted by The University of St. Andrews’ School of Medicine, and will take place in the Bute Building’s IT teaching room (A21).
The day starts at 9.15am, and we’ll be covering essential Jalview skills (creating and analysing alignments, calculating trees, and working with features and annotation). We’ll also explore some of the more advanced features for working with 3D structures, linking coding and non-coding nucleotide alignments, and integrating annotation from Ensembl.
We encourage you to bring your own laptop so you can get Jalview set up in your normal working environment. There’ll also be time during coffee breaks and lunch to talk to the Jalview team about your own work.
Registration is free, but spaces are limited, so sign up now! See the workshop page for full details.