Jalview’s 1st online training workshop was a great success!
On Wednesday 29th April, the Jalview team ran their first online training workshops using Blackboard Collaborate. The team, Jim Procter, Suzanne Duce, Mungo Carstairs and Ben Soares were joined by 21 workshop participants from across the world. The course ran over three afternoons and involved practical exercises and presentations.
The first-afternoon session introduced Jalview and its capabilities, how to load, edit and save sequences, create and analyse multiple alignments (using trees and PCAs), and generate figures for publication. The next day, participants learnt how to use Jalview with Jmol and UCSF Chimera to view and superimpose 3D structures linked with alignments, and apply sequence and alignment-based prediction methods. The final day, participants analysed DNA and protein alignments, and import and visualise features and variants from VCF files in the context of protein-coding regions and 3D structures.
The workshop was apartnership with Edinburgh Genomics,we thank Nathan Medd for all his help.