Jalview article featured in the PDB’s July Education Corner Quarterly Newsletter
This month, the Jalview article ‘A Secondary School Bioinformatics Workbook for Visualizing DNA, RNA and Proteins’ was published in the RCSB’s PDB Education Corner Quarterly Newsletter (Issue 86-July 2020).
The Jalview team have developed a workbook entitled ‘‘Visualizing DNA, RNA & Proteins Jalview School Workbook’. It contains four practical web- based projects. The exercises allow pupils to view and interact with DNA, RNA and protein sequences and structures for themselves. They can compare protein sequences from different species. Plus Jalview’s split-screen view allows them to view the coding DNA sequence, and codons, alongside the protein, and in turn identify mutations that are linked to genetic diseases.
All the materials required to run the practicals are available on the School page of the Jalview website (https://www.jalview.org/schools). Getting started involves three steps: (1) Open the ‘Schools’ webpage; (2) Click the ‘View the School Workbook’ link to open the booklet in an adjacent window; (3) Follow the instructions in the workbook. The links in Section 2 of the webpage start the exercises by launching JalviewJS and displaying the sequences.