Jalview 2.8 release and the new look www.jalview.org
We are very pleased to announce that Jalview 2.8 is now available from our brand new website at www.jalview.org.
What’s new ?
Jalview 2.8 includes a number of enhancements and new features that have been in development since July 2010. It is also the first Jalview release to incorporate RNA visualization features developed by Lauren Lui and Jan Engelhart during their Google Summer of Code projects.
Highlights in Jalview Version 2.8
- Improved JABAWS client and new JABAWS 2.0 Services
- AACon alignment conservation
- Protein disorder - DisEMBL, RONN, GlobPlot and IUPred
- Clustal Omega for creating huge protein alignments
- Support for RNA
- Import sequence and alignment associated WUSS or VIENNA dot-bracket notation from files and the RFAM database
- Interactive editing of RNA secondary structure annotation
- Colour scheme for purine/pyrimidine and to highlight RNA helices
- RNA canonical base pair consensus score and sequence logo
- Embedded VARNA RNA secondary structure viewer in the Desktop
Issues fixed in this release include compatibility of the desktop with OSX Mountain lion, Windows 8, numerous minor glitches and patches to the JalviewLite Javascript API. For the comprehensive list of new features and bug fixes, take a look at the Jalview 2.8 Release Notes.
New Jalview website
In the last year, we’ve been busy developing a logo and a new website for Jalview.
The new look website includes blogs for training, community and Jalview development news, and we’ll be working to add more functionality over the coming months. If you have any comments or suggestions, then we’d love to hear from you. You can find all the ways to get in contact with us over at Jalview Community
Happy jalviewing! From all the Jalview Team